ResearchGate - Scientific Network - Rede só para pesquisadores, ostra na sopa pra um Bill Gates!
ResearchGate é uma rede social voltada a profissionais da área de ciência e pesquisadores, sendo a maior neste campo. Caracteriza-se por ser uma plataforma gratuita que permite a membros interagirem e colaborarem com colegas de trabalho e campos de estudo mundialmente, oferecendo diversas ferramentas exclusivas.[1]
Bill Gates and Ijad Madisch at ResearchGate
Bill Gates @ ResearchGate
14th November 2013
We’re thrilled: our latest investor Bill Gates visited us at our headquarters here in Berlin yesterday!
He came to meet the team and see first-hand who’s working behind the scenes.Ijad Madisch, CEO of ResearchGate, took him on a tour of the office where he met all the bright minds who strive relentlessly to make the site even better for you, the researchers.
He’s confident about the direction we’re headed in:
"I was looking forward to visiting ResearchGate and was impressed with its continued progress. I’m very excited about the digital world making science work in a better way. ResearchGate is in a central position to make that happen."– Bill Gates
We couldn’t do this without you. You’re
the ones who use ResearchGate to change how science works by
collaborating with your peers around the globe, sharing your results,
and driving progress in science.
Thank you for being part of this exciting journey! We look forward to hearing from you on how we can improve ResearchGate even further.
Academic networks contest: ResearchGate vs. Academia vs. Mendeley
ResearchGate je Facebook pro vědce a bílé pláště
06.05.2011 10:10 - text: Zdeněk Vacek
Po pouhých dvou letech se sociální síť rozrostla na
více než půl milionu uživatelů. Vědci ze dvou stovek zemí světa na ní
prezentují své poznatky, diskutují a navazují kontakty. Třeba zájemci o
umělou inteligenci tu najdou kolem 1500 kvalifikovaných partnerů k
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